14160 23rd Ave N, Plymouth, MN 55447

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Our office is in Plymouth, MN.  The address is: 14160 23rd Ave. N, Plymouth MN.  However, we are frequently out of the office, meeting with current and potential customers, and providing the highest level of service for our clients.

What is the best way to contact you?

Via Phone, Text, or email.  Our General Phone Number is 763-449-0688.  If you would like to contact us directly, our Contact information is as follows:
Jeff Richards (612) 805-5327 jrichards@foodbridge.us (Sales)
David Larson (612) 859-8794 dlarson@foodbridge.us (Sales)
Marnie Henke (612) 940-0608 mhenke@foodbridge.us (Customer Service)

Can I buy product from you directly from the website?

No, however we work with (most) distributors, both big and small.  Just contact us and we can work together to get you what you need.

What brands do you represent?

You can see the high quality brands we sell here.